Skin Care For Oily Skin – Part I

Does your skin feel greasy throughout the day in spite of the number of times you wash it? Having an oily skin can be a pain most of the times. The excess oil due to the sebaceous glands being overactive makes the skin appear dull. The coarseness of the skin also makes it a difficult skin type.  This makes the skin more prone to pimples, blackheads and blemishes.

Now that you know you have that annoying oily skin, wouldn’t you want to find the causes? You could find your solutions according to that.
Oily Skin CareCauses and solutions:
•  With increasing age the activity of the oil glands decreases making the skin less oily. You can heave a sigh of relief if you have crossed your thirties. This is also the reason why adolescents have an oily skin which results in acne.
•  Your genetic make up could be such that the skin would be oily.
•  Weather plays an important role in determining the amount of oil your skin secretes. That is the reason why in the summers your face drips of oil in spite of what you do. Humidity and heat create havoc for people with an oily skin.
•  Beware next time you pop that birth control pill. It contributes towards worsening the condition of an oily skin.
•  Do you eat whatever you please without worrying about the consequences? Well you better get cautious if you have an excessively oily skin. Dermatologists suggest that you avoid foods which are rich in oil, spices and sugar. It also means that you stay away from those tempting chocolate bars that you have stocked up on.

Tips for cleaning your face:

•  Wash your face before sleeping and once you get up in the morning. During the day wash it only if a lot of dust has accumulated. Dust would settle in the pores and develop into those nasty little blackheads.
•  Cleaning the face too frequently would strip the skin of essential amount of oil. Avoid using very harsh cleansing products. This would only result in the skin becoming flaky.
•  An antibacterial or antiseptic cleanser for a face would work wonder for your skin in avoiding acne.
•  Use hot water to wash your face. It will not only dissolve the oil faster but also prevent the pores from being clogged.

These tips would surely help you in keeping that excess oil of your face. Guess what? There are many more tips coming your way very soon. Till then….do not worry excessively about it. You know why? That could cause the glands to secrete more oil too!!!!!!!!!!!!

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