Home remedies for skin care in summer

Summer means lot of holidays, sunshine and fun. Don’t you guys love going to the beach and getting tanned ? The days are much longer and brighter unlike the gloomy winters.

summer skin careMost of you would be worrying about what the sun does to your skin instead of what fun you could have in the sun. Let us take care of that as well with this bunch of home remedies.

Sun rays in the summers could be extremely harsh on the skin. It could cause long lasting damage to the skin if enough prevention is not taken. The negative effects include wrinkles, premature aging, excessive tanning and development of dark spots.
•  You have to take extra precautions if you have an oily skin. The usual problems of pimples and blackheads could only worsen.
Luckily for us we have a host of home remedies for skin in the cruel summer months.

Face Masks:
These face masks are easy to prepare and the ingredients are also easy to find. Wash your face with lukewarm water and a mild face cleanser before applying any face mask.
•  Aloe Vera gel is really effective for dealing with most problems associated with summer. It reduces dark spots, wrinkles and acne. It helps in soothing the skin and reducing rashes. It is ideal for all types of skin. Reduce the application time in case of excessively dry skin. In case of sensitive skin wash it off if irritation prevails for more than 30 seconds.
•  Cucumber not only cools the body internally but is also ideal for external application. It is mild on the skin but extremely effective. Grate some peeled cucumber. Apply immediately on the face before the juice dries up. Leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with water. Do not use soap to clean your face for maximum benefit. Regular application helps in reducing tanning of the skin. Soothes down sun burnt skin.

Other Remedies:
There are simple steps you could follow to keep your skin in great condition.
• Drink plenty of water in the summers. It will help you replace the moisture lost through excessive sweating.
•  Monitor your diet and avoid heavy foods such as red meat. Instead add lots of fresh vegetables to your diet. Lettuce, cucumber and cabbage are highly recommended.
•  Seasonal fruits such as mangoes, watermelons and grapes are a great way of increasing water intake and keeping the body cool.

Even though you have these solutions handy make sure you do not step out without the quintessential sun screen…..

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